
March 19, 2014 § Leave a comment

simplicity in air
a stroke of sound
a patient beat
of silence
a grateful breath
never searching
for more
than what
it receives


March 18, 2014 § Leave a comment

Perhaps if our clocks were in sync
at a quarter past eight
and you gazed up at a cloud floating west
to find it reminded you
of a day with shallow fountains
and blindingly bright skies
old yearbooks and made-up songs
and looking past the cloud and past
the sky, would you perhaps see
centrifugal force spinning,
a constant dance holding two
together, and perhaps if I checked the time
on my wrist at a quarter past eight
but saw turned tables and opened doors
years passing, but seconds remaining still
perhaps the earth would gently tilt
and perhaps, for once, gravity
would be on our side and
in that moment of you being there
and I, being here,
perhaps we would somehow
find a way back
to each other

Fishing For Phrase

March 17, 2014 § 3 Comments

How deep is the sea
of poetic cliches,
where similes swim
and metaphors make
mindful waves
in the salted water.
A pool as vast as time.
An ocean of words
to pick and choose.
Yet the art of the task
is to skim across the waters,
avoid the leaping temptations
of predictability,
and instead,
reach into the sky
and pull from above
a comparison as authentic
as the first sunrise
that showed its face
and stained
the earth’s skin red.


March 15, 2014 § Leave a comment

the true depth of it
understood so clearly through
a dog’s earnest eyes


March 9, 2014 § Leave a comment

I have a story that’s like fire
in my mind. A tale I wove
from thoughts and thread
into a delicate cloth
both beautiful, but imperfect
it smolders still
draped over my eyes
clouding sight but brightening
my way. If only I could peel it back,
throw it above my head
and watch it spin through the air.
Perhaps you could catch a glimpse
of its freedom, and throw your
cloak into the wind, just the same.
Or perhaps you would look above
and simply feel its warmth
fall onto your shoulders.

My Paper

March 8, 2014 § Leave a comment

A white sea, blank
an open ocean, filled
of possibility
crisp corners, edges
sharp, surface smooth
with prospects
of magnificence
yearning to be
filled with color
a canvas of
opportunity beneath
a single pen
waiting in apprehension
for what it will become

morning commute

February 28, 2014 § 1 Comment

a slow army
ants marching
along a path etched
by white lines, baring heads
downward and forward with eyes
lit, cutting through
the haze ahead
searching for destinations
yet blindly, numbly following
another, through polluted
smog, but still shining
with sun and dew, silently
inching closer
and closer, to wherever
the white lines
carry them

Where Am I?

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